Billy Liar and Good Friend

19:00 - 22:00

Billy Liar
Billy Liar grew up in the underground punk rock scene, finding his feet and forging his sound through a self-imposed relentless touring schedule, a love of playing live and an understanding that good things do not come to those who wait. Great things come to those who get out on the road and make a hell of a lot of their own mistakes.
Billy has been touring the UK, mainland Europe and America extensively for for over ten years, released 7 EPs on independent record labels, had songs played on BBC Radio 1 and XFM and toured Australia and New Zealand. He has played the Fest in Gainesville, Florida four times, solo and full band, visited Woodford Folk Festival in Australia for a week of performances, played Rebellion Punk Festival in England eight years in a row and even co-wrote, co-directed and starred in a play at the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland for a month of shows.
On June 21st 2019, Billy released his first full-length record, ‘Some Legacy’ on Red Scare Industries. It was produced by Joe McMahon (Smoke Or Fire), and features Robin Guy on drums and Stina Tweeddale (Honeyblood) on backing vocals.
Good Friend

These three Irish lads originally come from around Belfast/Northern Ireland but they moved to Newcastle, England to get shitty jobs and form a band. The jobs did indeed turn out to be shitty, but the band turned out great! The youngsters hammered away at the songs and their rowdy music quickly drew friends and fans to the party. They sold out their first hometown show and figured it was time for their first proper release, and that’s when we got involved. “Ride The Storm” is 10 tracks of rock-influenced punk that remind us of bands like Alkaline Trio, The Flatliners, and Millencolin. There’s Gaelic folklore, drinking songs, and nautical themes throughout this debut album.

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